View Full Version : "A Fish Out Of Water" Discussion

03/14/11, 10:09 PM
Sorry, I posted this so late. I missed the episode and had to catch the replay. Thats why I didn't post about the other new episode.

I thought Kevin got some decent focus in the episode. It really went with his character of trying to impress everyone. It was funny seeing him have to fish for the monster.

Jayden got some good screen time in this one. It was cool seeing him still go out in fight, even though he was down.

It will be interesting to see more of Deker next week.

I didn't get the point of the fisherman. He served no real purpose and wasn't neccessary for the plot.

Kamen Rider Decade
03/16/11, 01:15 PM
The fisherman had a heck of lot more relevance in Shinkenger, and not just in the ep he first showed up in.

03/16/11, 10:51 PM
The fisherman had a heck of lot more relevance in Shinkenger, and not just in the ep he first showed up in.

I figured he was from Shinkenger. That is just part of the problem with copying Sentai closely. You wind up importing things for no reason other then the face that Sentai did it.

I also thought of another observation. The whole ordeal of Kevin trying to get the Swordfish seems weak ( now that I think about it). I mean he just tried to fish for the fish all episode and all of the sudden got it. I get they we're saying that you have to try hard and believe in you're self. But it didn't seem clear. They should have at least tweaked there idea for this.

03/18/11, 10:11 PM
'A Fish Out Of Water' is a fair episode. It does nothing for me even if we get a new zord out of it. The Samurai Rangers fought a monster who make people sick and they need a new zord to defeat it. who was the fisherman with Kevin. We know nothing about him. I hope the writers will do a better job in a future episode. :(