View Full Version : Why did you like VR Troopers?

01/17/11, 07:22 PM
What did you like about VR Troopers?

I liked it because it was a similar take off of Power Rangers. And I was starving for more Tokusatsu. I liked the action and Ryan's quest for his dad. I thought Grimlord's season 1 form looked menacing. I loved the untransformed fights. Some of the american original villains in season 2 we're good. I just really liked the concept of people living double lives as superheroes. Looking back VR Troopers was probably a little more mature then MMPR was at the time.

01/17/11, 07:23 PM
Good question I was already a fan of stuff like power rangers, and I like things that deal with alternate dimensions, and parallel universes.

Plus it came out around the same time as that Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad show, and I liked how they both had the whole parallel universe inside machines motif.

I also liked the suits since they looked like actual armor, and how they had secondary costumes they could transform into which I thought was cool since I hadn't seen that before on those kinds of shows.

I also liked the side characters like Woody, Percy, Jeb, and Percy's aunt, and uncle.

As I said in the thread about the use of Japanese footage I liked how they managed to be true to the stories of Metalder, Spielvan, and Shaider yet still found ways to re purpose the footage when they wanted to.

I also liked the monsters at least from the first season because they looked like what I thought mutants, and robots would look like if they were real.