View Full Version : Decade Episode #19: "Journey's End"

05/30/09, 03:13 AM
Decade and Hibiki team up, with Hibiki's OnGekiDo transforming him into Hibiki Ongekiko. And with Hibiki's powers, Decade will be complete.

06/04/09, 06:48 PM
What a fun way to complete Decade's journey through the main Riders' worlds, with that awesome attack concert at the end. I liked the bittersweet ending with the Kyousuke kid taking over as the "true" Hibiki, and all three schools of OnGekiDo joining forces. Great time to be had.

Though, Hibiki's Final Form Ride wasn't all that great, and that's up against a lot of lame Final Form Rides. And what's up with Kamen Rider Amaki being exactly the same as Ibuki? It's not like IXA became SEXA whenever Yuri used it.