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View Full Version : Mezzo???

04/07/06, 08:47 PM
when she sings, is emma a Soprano, 2nd Soprano, or Alto?? I think she might be a 2nd Soprano (Mezzo), but im not sure. will someone help!!

04/08/06, 01:05 PM
I don't understand what u just said

04/08/06, 06:44 PM
Soprano's sing high
Alto's sing low
and 2nd's or Mezzo Soprano's sing in the middle

they are all singing terms

Soprano- Christina Aguilera
Alto- Kelly Clarkson
Mezzo- Britney Spears

04/08/06, 06:53 PM
ohhh, i don't know what she's in. I know I'm a soprano. But figuring out others, i dont know. i agree, I think she's a Mezzo too.

04/08/06, 09:52 PM
Yeah, Emma seems more like a Mezzo.

I think I am more of a Mezzo too. I dunno, I am not the best singer, but I try.


04/10/06, 02:14 AM
Yeah I think she is an Mezzo too.

I don't sing.

Thats my story and I'm stiking to it.

04/10/06, 02:35 AM
Lol I've been anywhere from a 1st soprano to a 2nd Alto (big jump I know) Yeah Emma's probably a Mezzo/Second Soprano SHe could also fall under the 2nd Soprano/1st Alto category... hmmm...... *ponder*

04/10/06, 06:59 PM
this is a question for all those choir people (Orchestra)...But yeah, Mezzo.

As for me, I can sing well...all over the scale, but not always in tune!