View Full Version : "Now the Final Fury" The Official Jungle Fury Discussion Talkback

09/22/08, 03:11 PM
I decided that the indivisual threads aren't really working for now due to lack of discussion. This will be to discuss the remainder of the series which will resume on September 29th. Enjoy.

09/23/08, 11:03 PM
Meh, I'm not a fan of the finale title.

As for the description; is anyone else getting a major Ninja Storm vibe? I'm not saying it's a bad thing (I'm a huge NS fan), but it's almost exactly what NS did. I wouldn't be surprised if the Pai Zhuq students showed up out of nowhere.

Either way, it still sounds like an epic way of ending a pretty descent season.

09/30/08, 03:36 PM
Just seen "Don't Blow That Dough". Very clever way of doing a clipshow and Camille was hot.

10/01/08, 01:18 AM
"Don't Blow that Dough"

For a clip show, I've seen better (Koragg's Trial, Insomnia, and A Test of Trust) being my top 3. This episode was just...there. Nothing special about it IMO.

"Tigers Fall, Lions Rise" (it is currently on the Disney XD Video site: http://disney.go.com/videos/#/videos/tvshows/) My apologies if the link does not work for everyone. Refer to this from RB to get some tips on how to watch it: http://www.rangerboard.com/showthread.php?t=121227

I have to admit, this was by far Casey's best focus episode. Jason did a great job expressing the TRUE Casey we should have seen all season long.

First off, the forest training session wasn't necessary, but it was cool in a way. Namely because Dominic actually got some dialog in. He's been quiet ever since his arc ended.

The fact that Casey is a teacher at a Kung Fu school was somewhat random, but it shows us that the Ranger's perform other activities outside of their duties. And that's always a plus in my book. Casey wasn't a bad teacher either; he actually gave order and discipline. I wish he was like that all season long.

For some odd reason, I kinda enjoyed RJ and Casey's chemistry. When Casey lost his Tiger Spirit, I so got flashbacks from "A Taste of Poison". Like that episode; I wish they would have had him express more passion and pain when he lost his spirit.

Dai Shi and Camille with Rin Zin Power=Win! I was waiting to see when they would bust that out; and it's introduction was well done. Too bad it'll only be around for a short time.

Enough said. "Tigers Fall, Lions Rise" was a pretty good episode. It had a few cheesy dialog scenes, but nothing that affected the overall decency/goodness the episode. 4/5.

10/07/08, 02:20 PM
The Spirit of Kindness

- The rangers are afraid of rats?
- Hah, they still acknowledge Casey as leader and RJ as the mentor.
- Good God were Runner and Burgrat annoying.
- Wow, did they just acknowledge Theo's height?
- Hey, a White Tiger Zord.
- Call me heartless, but I felt nothing when Whiger died after saving Casey and helping save the others. He was pretty much just your regular run-of-the-mill MotD so I don't get why they were trying to make him look sympathetic? Waspicable was more sympathetic than this guy.
- I have to be honest, that was one sweet insta-morph Casey had.
- Ugh, again with the roll call. God, these rangers are more roll call happy than the Abarangers teaming up with B-Squad.
- Oh and now Scorch and Snapper are plotting. *Yawn*

Episode was alright. For once, I didn't want to punch Casey in the face. How about that? I give a 3/5.

10/07/08, 09:02 PM
The Spirit of Kindness

Random Thoughts:

-The Ranger's are afraid of a rat?

- God, how annoying can Burgrat and Rinner get? I wish they would shut up already!

- The unmorphed fight between Casey and Whiger was pretty cool. If only it were the actual actor performing his own stunts. *straight face*

- "I'll fight the Ram with Rhino Steel!" "And I'll use Wolf Pride Megazord!" ...Who. Cares.

- You know, Whiger summoning Casey through mental communication, reminds me a lot of Koragg and Nicks mental connection. Interesting.

- Cool, a White Tiger Spirit!

- Great use of Sentai footage in the end battle (as well as a fantastic Casey battle). Awesome BGM to go with as well.

- Fran and Dom actually had dialog. Sweet.

- ...Where's Flit? :(

All in all, pretty descent episode. Had it not been for Burgrat and Rinners annoyance, I would have enjoyed the episode much more. However, they were somewhat funny to a certain extent. A high 3/5.

10/08/08, 01:05 PM
For anyone out there that doesn't know where to find it... The Spirit of Kindness: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MDZ9RXIK

10/14/08, 02:24 PM
Maryl and the Monkeys is up at Disney.com: http://disney.go.com/videos/#/videos/tvshows/

10/28/08, 02:19 PM
Here's the finale. Enjoy!

[SPRC]PRJF - Path Of The Righteous (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A4ONNJ9H)
[SPRC]PRJF - Now The Final Fury (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZF9MXCPO)

10/29/08, 12:04 AM
"Path of the Righteous"

I honestly don't know where to start. This episode was Excellent! Superb! And pure EPIC!

-Casey's defiance against Master Mao's "orders" was amazing. I mean, this episode alone made me like Casey a lot more. Really.

- Casey and Jarrod/Dai Shi fighting was beyond amazing! I really felt the spirit and emotion in that scene. I have to give both Jason and Bede MAJOR props for their role in this episode.

- The final fight against Snapper and Scorch was cool. I wasn't expecting to see the Lion and Chameleon Spirits/Zords...but it was pretty enjoyable.

I wish there was more to say. Lol. 5/5.

"Now the Final Fury"

Man, Jungle Fury will be missed. What a way to end a potentially "great" season.

The Good:

-"Let's show em' what these old men can do!" Classic. Just...classic. :elephant:

- Damn! That fight against Scorch (Casey, Theo, and Lily) was pure sickness! As a matter of fact...every fight was great in this episode.

- OMG! I was hoping all the Master's would be in the battle. Cool. :D

- Kensei forms FTW!

- Hey! It's Kelson Henderson!

The Meh:

- As cool as it was to see the Kensei forms...they weren't necessary. They should have just did what they did for Casey, Theo, and Lily, and use a CGI attack showing their animal spirits. I would've preferred that.

Again, not much to say. A high 4/5.

10/29/08, 05:40 PM
I just watched #21 and this is really getting good. For me Arise The Crystal Eyes is next followed by Fear And The Phantoms and Blue Ranger , Twin Danger starting Saturday on ABC. I'm liking this and I can't wait till the Spirit Rangers show up.

12/17/08, 06:58 PM
Well it took me awhile but I funally watched the final 18 episodes of Jungle Fury. It made for a few fun marathons ( the best part of falling behind is that you don't have to wait for next week to see the new episode). Thanks to DVR and a few encodes I was able to catch up pretty easily. So thats one of the reasons why I haven't posted much here.

I think Jungle Fury was a lot of fun. They started out simple and built from there. They didn't start off with a bunch of plots that were never paid off. It all started with them releasing Dai Shi and the Rangers having to Capture/destory them. That was of course paid off well. As the show went on the characters developed, new characters were added, the villains came and went, and so on. So nothing was really introduced that was left hanging.

A lot of things actually made a lot of sense. In the beginning Dai Shi treated Camille like crap. But as the season went on he slowly started to treat her better. Which kind of shows you that Jarrod was slowly gaining more infulence over Dai Shi.

I loved the final arch with Casey having to go against everyone's judgement to save Dai Shi. I'm pretty convinced Mao was just testing him though. I think Lily and Theo really believed Jarrod was a lost cause. But Mao was just trying to save Jarrod several episodes back, and I don't think he would have given up that easily.

I have expected Dai Shi and Casey to whip out life sabers ( of course then George Lucas would have whipped some lawsuits). It was just well done. loved seeing Camille and Dai Shi basically jion the Rangers. "Path of Rightousness" is probably one of my favorite PR episodes in a long time. This was diffinily the best final arch of the Kalish regime. Possibly of the whole Disney regime as well.

I was a bit let down by certain aspects the finalie. There should have been a bigger explosion when Dai Shi was defeated. It was too quick. Also there was to much of NS's finalie mixed in. I also wish there was more time at the end to wrapp up lose ends. I think having three more minutes to that episode would have really helped big time

But I give them credit, they were able to wrap up all the lose ends, especially with so little time. We saw Flit become human, Lily and Theo get together, Dom and Fran get together, and Jarod and Camille's fate. It just would have been nice to have a few more minutes to let it all sink in.

But the finalie was basically a three parter, even if it wasn't officially. Overall I think JF had a great send off. It really left me wanting more in a good way. I wish were getting a second season of JF. So thats a win in my book.

Its interesting how Master Mao was still a spirit at the end. I assumed that the dead Masters were mortal again once they left the spirit world. Maybe this wasn't the case. Maybe Dai Shi's ressurected monsters were still spirits as well. If thats not the case.....The masters could have they just decided that it would be unfair to cheat death and returned to the Spirit World.

12/28/08, 09:06 AM
I'm down to the final 3 chapters

To Earn Your Stripes
Path Of The Righteous
And Now The Final Fury

on ABC.

Again Disney hit another one out of the park for the 4th year in a row and with Race Performance Machines up next in March this series was awesome. I liked the kung fu thing they did and seeing three USA Rangers which we haven't got since Lightspeed Rescue. I liked this from the first double opener on. They did a decent job here.