View Full Version : "Welcome to the Jungle" - The Official Jungle Fury Discussion Talkback

02/18/08, 09:50 PM
Well the preimere was very enjoyable to me. Very different from OO, kind of like NS in a way.

I liked how the Red Ranger is more inexperiance and was chosen the way he was. The angry student not being chosen was interesting. It was pretty predictable that he was possessed by the big bad.

I like RJ as a mentor. Its nice to have a zany mentor for a change. Deep down he really knows his stuff. I love how he explained how he he had the glasses connected to the grid. It was also nice to see that they knew about Power Rangers.

I like how Red needed to be trained and was slow to learn things. Yet seems to have a lot of potential. The seen where Theo teaches him was a cool.

Camille is interesting. She looked familar, I didn't know she was the actress that played Leelee.

There was one part that I hated and really brought things down for me. The zord battle was ruined by that talking fly. I just couldn't get into it. I am told that its from Gekiranger and that it makes sense if you watched Geki. I just don't know how I am going to be able to enjoy the zord battles with that fly talking over them. I wouldn't have adapted that part of the show At least not with him talking over everything.

Sweetened Angel
02/18/08, 11:03 PM
i think this episode doing well. i like camille dress, hair and makeup she look really pretty.


red timeforce ranger
02/18/08, 11:40 PM
i love filt the fly watching battle

02/19/08, 02:06 AM
diseny keep fly for prjf and fly name is flit

02/19/08, 02:26 AM
"Enter the Jungle"? Seriously?

::adjusts thread title::

02/19/08, 02:49 AM
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but, I actually liked this. This was one heck of a refreshing change from the crap that was Overdrive. I had absolutely no hope for this series going in, but, now, I might actually watch this. The next few episodes are going to be crucial, but, at least none of the characters are horrible, none have over-annoying voices (ie. Tyzonne, Dax, Ronnie, Sentinal Knight, etc.), and they all seem to be semi-decent actors. And, I really liked RJ. I want to see where they take him (GekiViolet anyone?)

I give it an 8.5 out of 10. I didn't enjoy the fly. I don't mind the fly, per se. In fact, I was quite happy to see some throwback to Gekiranger. But, I just wish they would tone him down, and turn the volume up on the fight. You couldn't hear anything going on in the actual fight while the fly was doing his commentary. Fortunately, I don't think Gekiranger used the fly in every episode, so odds are good that he won't appear in every ep of Jungle Fury. *crosses fingers*


02/19/08, 06:35 PM
Thats what I get for not double checking. Thanks.

Kamen Rider Decade
02/20/08, 08:57 AM
The zord battle was ruined by that talking fly.I always liked the fly in Gekiranger.

I am told that its from Gekiranger and that it makes sense if you watched Geki.I told you he played a pivotal role in Purple's story, not that his sports announcer job during zord battles would make since.

I just don't know how I am going to be able to enjoy the zord battles with that fly talking over them.You'll just have to accept it and move on, or learn to love it, or always tape the show then fast forward through the zord battles.

02/20/08, 01:49 PM
I always liked the fly in Gekiranger.

I told you he played a pivotal role in Purple's story, not that his sports announcer job during zord battles would make since.

You'll just have to accept it and move on, or learn to love it, or always tape the show then fast forward through the zord battles.

Or just mute the tv.

02/20/08, 07:11 PM
guy play piggy on spd and that guy voice of flit the fly

02/21/08, 05:50 PM
Actually, Kelson Henderson is voicing Flint. Kelson previously protrayed Boom, Phineas, and Norg.

red timeforce ranger
02/21/08, 06:45 PM
i wait see white rino ranger and purple wolf ranger in prjf

02/21/08, 07:21 PM
I meant to say Flit not Flint.

02/23/08, 03:56 AM
Man, is this board already history? There wasn't a single post yesterday.

Anyway, I thought the premiere was darn good, probably Kalish's second best (Beginnings still takes the cake). None of the Rangers are annoying, in fact Theo's absolutely excellent. Only thing I don't like is why Kalish always needs the Red Ranger to come in last, even when the whole team's in the scene together. That part bugged me.

I loved that the martial arts aspect was upheld at every level, bravo. Hopefully they'll keep it up.

02/23/08, 07:21 AM
Well, the red ranger coming in last is probably more because of how the Sentai footage goes than any desire from Kalish to bring red in last. In Dekaranger Ban was brought in last (I think that was DekaRed's name). In Magiranger, Kai got his powers last in the forest fight. And, in Gekiranger, Jan henshined last, and was brought into the team last. I think that Kalish is trying to make the footage make sense with the storylines by bringing red in last, or as an outsider, since a good portion of the early Sentai eps tend to revolve around the first group adapting to the inclusion of their newest member.

That, and historically, red's been brought into the team last in a good portion of PR. Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, and Wild Force. Not every one, granted, but that's nearly half of the first 10 seasons right there, and the first 5 could almost be negated, since they only occasionally changed team members, and not teams all together.

As for Flit, yes, Bae was important in Geki to Gekiviolet's storyline. Additionally, he's in so many of the shots involving the GekiTouja fights, that, unless the footage they get is before he was added in (didn't look like it was, from the Megazord fight), then they needed to include him. Otherwise, you'd have a giant fly zooming around the screen in nigh every zord battle, but no explanation for it.


02/23/08, 06:30 PM
Man, is this board already history? There wasn't a single post yesterday.

We're just starting out slow. We have actually had more activity lately. Its going to take time to get a big community going. With Jungle Fury underway and Dragon Knight soon to start, it should be easier to get discussion going ( especially if crewmembers from Dragon Knight end up posting). As its hard to keep a small community going during the off season. When we were PRO-Board, things always seemed to be more active during the season then when it was the off season.

We have a few loyal posters. If we maintain what we have and slowly gain new ones, things will get more active. And at that point it will be all the more easier to get new members. Once we get a steady flow of newbies things should really take off ( newbies keep boards active, like it or not).

Kamen Rider Decade
02/23/08, 08:15 PM
( newbies keep boards active, like it or not).Especially the brainless good for nothing but stupid bullshit ones.

02/24/08, 01:21 AM
That, and historically, red's been brought into the team last in a good portion of PR. Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, and Wild Force. Not every one, granted, but that's nearly half of the first 10 seasons right there
I'm talking about the actual suited-up Red Rangers, not the leader characters. In every one of the last four seasons, the Red Ranger morphs by himself. It's beyond boring now.

02/24/08, 01:46 AM
I'm talking about the actual suited-up Red Rangers, not the leader characters. In every one of the last four seasons, the Red Ranger morphs by himself. It's beyond boring now.

I can see your point, but, again, I don't think that's Kalish's fault.

Well, the red ranger coming in last is probably more because of how the Sentai footage goes than any desire from Kalish to bring red in last. In Dekaranger Ban was brought in last (I think that was DekaRed's name). In Magiranger, Kai got his powers last in the forest fight. And, in Gekiranger, Jan henshined last, and was brought into the team last. I think that Kalish is trying to make the footage make sense with the storylines by bringing red in last, or as an outsider, since a good portion of the early Sentai eps tend to revolve around the first group adapting to the inclusion of their newest member.

I will further expand that, though, to mention that in all of the above examples, not just Gekiranger, all of the red rangers henshined separately, and not as part of the team. Boukenger, in the last 4 Sentai series, was the only exception.

Besides, in any case, it's more of a writer thing than a producer thing.

The reference I made to the history of PR having the same pattern was to show that it's not exactly something new. It's been around since fairly early on (well, when they started changing teams, anyway).


Dekaranger: Ban's first Henshin - http://youtube.com/watch?v=SRtSgFqFW_s&feature=related
Magiranger: first Henshiin - http://youtube.com/watch?v=dbCNKxISxos&feature=related (couldn't find Kai's, but, you can see they Henshin without him, as he didn't have his powers yet. Like Nick, he comes in to the fight when Wolzard is kicking the others' butts)
Gekiranger: Jan's first Henshin - http://youtube.com/watch?v=RowvyCI1PPU


02/25/08, 08:50 PM
Well, episiode 3 is already in the books. More focus on Casey and his lack of experiance.

The plot was pretty predicatable. Right out of the Kirate Kid. But it made for a nice side episode. And it was fun when Casey put all his training together at the end. Plus it was nice to see more of RJ's zany mentoring. It cracks me up when he watches the fights like a couch patatoe. When he picked up that bowl of popcorn it was halarious.

Fran was fine in this episode. She is the kind of character that is going to be gold in small doses. It was funny how Theo and Lilly wouldn't help her. And it was paid off well at the end.

Flit was more toned down this week and didn't bother me as much. So I was able to take the zord battle more seriously. Zord battles don't really excite me like they used to though. The footage comes off too generic.

Using evil spirits to make foot soldiers into monsters continues to be an interesting idea.

Some of the in adr needs work. Some of the in suit diolouge comes off as a little too cheesy. But that has been a problem the past few years. But its not awful.

The villains are differenly different from last years fair. They seem interesting so far. It will be interesting to see the Rangers learn that Jared was possessed by the big bad.

red timeforce ranger
02/25/08, 09:36 PM
camille smack the fly on ground and like mele smack the fly in gekiranger

02/25/08, 11:43 PM
sigh of yo momma

02/27/08, 03:16 AM
kids makeing mess in pizza place

02/27/08, 04:32 AM
A pretty good effort. The Red Ranger doubting himself wasn't completely dumbed down, and given RJ's style it made sense that Casey wouldn't believe in what he told him. Only things I hated were the flashbacks to every scene Casey trained in since we'd already been told everything he learned, and the fact that they wouldn't let us forget Buffalord's name.


02/29/08, 07:36 AM
I thought it was an okay episode for the typical red ranger thing.

But then again when you compare it with "Trial By Fire," "Something to Fight For," "Wave Goodbye" etc it looks really weak.

It was definitely better than Overdrive's horrible third episode.

One thing I'm happy about this year is all the rangers can conceal their accents, good actors.

03/03/08, 08:40 PM
The Five Poisons have come calling. What did you think?

::goes to find a download of tonight's episode::

red timeforce ranger
03/03/08, 09:38 PM
lily fight rentipe alone and dai shi was angery rentipe

03/03/08, 10:21 PM
Well, the episode was pretty mediocre, to be honest. The Lily/Casey interaction was good, but, the fact that Casey was poisoned was forgotten a minute after it happened. It seemed to affect Lily more than Casey, because of her worrying. I'm hoping it wasn't forgotten, but, instead, something that's going to pop up later. The bike scene was tolerable, and, at least the weapons aren't "Lasers!" as we've been subjected to since, what, Dino Thunder? Tiger Strike is far less annoying a name, and wasn't shouted with that annoying voice that all the other rangers in recent memory have done. And, finally, the Daishi reveal wasn't handled as well as it could have been, but wasn't bad. I hope they end up doing more with it in the near future.

The squishing of two Geki eps wasn't a bad idea, but the ep was rushed. With so many multi-episode story arcs in Geki, this doesn't bode well for the future. Nearly every two episodes there was a multi-ep arc, and occasionally several were placed back to back. If they all end up as rushed as this one was, then I fear for what might become of this series. It's started out with so much promise, and I really hope it doesn't let us down, but it's concerning.

I give this ep a 3/5.


03/03/08, 11:52 PM
Probably the weakest of the four episodes so far. It was more built around the action this week. Casey getting poisened really served no purpose. I suppose the title really refered to the arrival of the five worriers.

Its wierd how they all fight together and nearly defeat the Rangers. Yet one of them stupidly goes off on his own and fights the Rangers by themselves. Reminds me of the Psycho Rangers. It does seem a little early for the Rangers to be fighting stronger monsters.

The Ranger's finding out about Jared's fate was interesting. I wonder if Jared is going along with his possession or is he completely subverted? I guess we will find out in the finalie.

Lily watching over Casey is an interesting subplot, but it wasn't really explored enough. Maybe it will be an on going thing.

There wasn't much substance to this episode, outside of the Jared reveal and Casey's new bike debuting ( which was fine). I wonder who the female voice was in the beginning. The one that introduced the monsters as Camille watched.

03/04/08, 11:32 AM
First Off the Casey/Lily beginning scene was great and here i was saying "Finally! they like each other".... .

They did a pretty good job with the Five Fingers fight, Jarrod's pyramid was good i didn't think they would have used that.

Now about that Strike Rider....That battle was boring!!! please stop Disney. We don't want anymore bikes.

Lily/Rantipede fight was awesome even better than Geki's fight scene.

I liked how Theo's Jealous attitude with the whole Lily and Casey scene

RJ's wonderful words..."Theo, I'm ignoring your negative energy..."

Now...Casey got poisoned! how the hell do you sleep on it and get better in the morning?

Also i swear they have some american Megazord footage somewhere in there.

But Overall i give it a 6/10...Death to the Strike Rider .

03/06/08, 05:55 PM
This one had way too much squashed in, which made every element of it fall short. New upper-crust monsters, Dai Shi's declaration battle, Lily protecting Casey, the Strike Rider introduction... it was dizzying. I was also disappointed the bike finisher had to rip off Gingaman/Lost Galaxy's, but the splitting in half and eating those Rinshi was pretty cool.

I haven't lost all hope yet, but that was quite weak.

I wonder who the female voice was in the beginning. The one that introduced the monsters as Camille watched.
That was Camille...

03/11/08, 05:52 PM
Still no thread? Wow, this board's really catching on...

Anyway, worlds better than last week. Even though the "I give up!" storyline in the Kalish era is beyond overused, RJ ended up bringing something new to the table. His way of showing Theo why he lost his confidence and how to get it back was the best PR pep talk I've seen in years.

The battle scenes were excellent, the ADR was acceptable, and the teleplay was tolerable. Only thing that's still bothering me is why the theme song has to play at the end of every Megazord battle. And it's not just because I don't like the song, because Operation Overdrive only played their theme once the entire season, and that was during the theme-happy team-up. People compose background music for a reason, let it tell the story for you.

And how could I leave without saying how much RJ's flashdance rules my world! Good time, good episode.

03/12/08, 08:46 PM
Diffinitly better then the last episode. One thing I didn't like is how Casey attacked the monster too. It made it look wierd when Theo got all bent out of shape about his own loss and Casey didn't care about his. They should have edited Red attacking out of the Sentai footage. Also they already established that Casey was good at pizzas. Made it wierd to suddenly have Theo as the best employee. The monsters attacking one by one after attacking together last time continues to be lame ( but thats a pr trait so not surprising).

But it was a nice Theo focused episode. And I agree that RJ was played well in this. It wasn't a memorable episode, but it wasn't a horrible one either. It was fine for what it was. Flit isn't even bothering me anymore ( I guess I have accepted the fact that there is no way around it).

I think they play the theme more because it works more as background music. The power pop rap stuff in MF and OO was difficult. I actually liked it. Its old school PR. I loved it when they brought it back in NS and DT. The thing is I don't thing the BGM is as strong as it was during Space-WF.

03/12/08, 09:52 PM
I liked the episode. At least it was the usual Red Ranger that decides to give up.

03/18/08, 03:21 AM
Episode aired... four and a half hours ago, someone must have seen it by now. Going to look for a download myself now. Feel free to gush.

03/18/08, 03:54 AM
Ugh. Another two-parter compressed into 20 minutes. Not a terrible ep, but it could have used some work. Or more time.

Theo being jealous of Casey and Lily was a nice addition. Makes me wonder just where exactly they'll end up taking it as the series progresses.

The development of the the relationship between the two Poisons was pretty poor. I mean, it wasn't the greatest in Geki to begin with, but it was a tad less random. It was random, poorly written and scripted, and poorly acted. Just poorly done all together.

I'm becoming increasingly disappointed by JF. After such a promising start, I was hoping for a great series. It might still prove to be a good series, but, it's not looking good at this point. However, after Overdrive, I'm willing to accept just about anything.


red timeforce ranger
03/18/08, 08:59 AM
i love that claw cannon and 5 piosions saga like in japanese gekiranger 's series

03/24/08, 06:52 PM
After today's episode we shouldn't get anymore references to Casey being the new guy or Theo feeling threatened by Casey. JF seems to keep reseting every episode. To where Casey
And the keep fighting each other.

Its still wierd how Dia Shi refuses to let the poison fight all together, when they had the Ranegrs beat in that first episode.

How could Theo and Lilly have a lunch date every week? They were training for the Order of the Claw for years. And were aparanely in seclusion. Lily never even saw a TV during her time there.

The romance between the monsters was obviously rushed. I guess they were trying to be over the top there.

Camille contunues to be a highlight of the show. She just comes across as a good villianess.

I liked Lily's speech to Theo and Casey. It was nice to see the character take such a firm stand.

It was nice to see Fran do something besides being stuck with all the work. Here scenes with Theo were pretty good.

Diffinitly not a very memorable episode. But it wasn't all over the place like the poison intro episode. I'd say it iwas an average episode.

03/27/08, 07:25 PM
Apparently been online since Monday.

US: http://disney.go.com/dxd/index.html?channel=16953
Foreign: http://a.dolimg.com/media/en-US/dxd/site_994x700_31fps.swf

Can't get that site to work, so I'm SOL. Discuss.

03/27/08, 07:31 PM
Okay, could have sworn I made a thread Monday.

Obviously wasn't that great, since nobody noticed we didn't have a thread. O_o

03/27/08, 10:26 PM
I liked it. Only complaint was how sunny and cheerful they made the fight scene between Camille and Naja at Dai Shi's palace. And how they obviously used the Pai Zhung academy in that scene. Still, 5/5 for just being a pure awesome episode.

03/27/08, 10:27 PM
Everyone so far has liked this episode. There was like one person on RB that voted bad. It was good if I say so myself.

03/28/08, 01:36 AM
It was a good ep. It's nice to finally see how they're adapting the kensei. So, no anthro suits, and likely no US-exclusive rangers. If it weren't likely that they'd have been handle poorly, I'd feel sorry for the loss of the anthro suits. Ah well.

My only complaint, and it's not really much of a complaint since it was dictated by the Geki footage, is that Lily fished for the armadillo monster. In Geki, Ran couldn't get the Kensei to teach her how to use the Ele-Hammer unless she were able to catch a fish. So, her fishing for the monster made sense. That wasn't included, far as we saw, in Lily's training. Just saying. Not a real complaint, just a gripe. Just would have been nice to give Lily a reason for using the Ele-Hammer...sorry, "Jungle Mace"...to fish for the monster.

4/5 - Possibly the best JF ep thus far.


03/30/08, 03:18 PM
I really enjoyed it.

04/04/08, 06:09 PM
I saw this last Saturday on ABC and wow. I got a bit freaked by the whole "Dia Shi posessing somebody" bit. Also I love the whole Kung Fu thing this year actually. This is my 4th straight Power Rangers dating back to Space Patrol Delta. Now that I'll get to see a 5th in 2009 I'm even more happy about it. Also it's neat that we get a triple wild cat zord thing this year instead of the usual one cat zord bit.

I can't wait to check out the Venom Fists next week.

However this is the freeakiest double opening episode I've seen yet. Disney did the Toei edition justice actually. The only dif between the two is the pizza store thing and the Morphers.

I can't wait to see the next 30 episodes.

Jungle Fury is already another of my faves.

Is it just me or is Disney on a serious hot streak? I wonder if that streak will run out in 2010.

04/05/08, 12:40 AM
I'll be seeing this on ABC today at 11:30 AM (Which is Saturday in a few minutes my time)

I've been impressed with Power Rangers for the past three in a row. As for Jungle Fury it's turning out really well. I have a feeling with 32 US episdes RJ will come in early. I'm already starting to smell a set up for him to become Wolf Ranger. After the double Opener last week I can just tell RJ wants to be a Ranger big time so we'll see how that itch plays out.

In regards to the whole Red Ranger Rookie bit it's starting to get old.

First it was Conner in Dino Thunder then it was Jack in Space Patrol Delta , Nick in Mystic Force , Mack in Operation verdrive last year and now Casey in the new Jungle Fury. Come on knock that off already. I'd better not see that next year in Power Rangers 2009. I bring that up because Disney has a bad habit of doing that.

04/05/08, 12:50 AM
I'll be seeing this on April 12.

Venom Fist Alert -

I can't wait to check thoes guys out soon. I hope Disney doesn't make them look dumb.

04/05/08, 01:20 AM
Is it just me or is Disney on a serious hot streak?
Considering the majority's disapproval of Mystic Force and apathy for Operation Overdrive, it's just you.

04/05/08, 01:20 AM
In regards to the whole Red Ranger Rookie bit it's starting to get old.

First it was Conner in Dino Thunder then it was Jack in Space Patrol Delta , Nick in Mystic Force , Mack in Operation verdrive last year and now Casey in the new Jungle Fury. Come on knock that off already. I'd better not see that next year in Power Rangers 2009. I bring that up because Disney has a bad habit of doing that.
It's been a bad habit since PR started annual casts. Leo, Wes and even Cole to a certain extent were also viewed by their team as know-nothings.

04/05/08, 01:22 AM
I hope Disney doesn't make them look dumb.
Spoiler: Rantipede's a moron. :(

04/05/08, 02:40 PM
I just finished watching this and I noticed something major.

If anybody's ever seen Karate Kid or read thoes boks I've noticed in this episode that the way RJ trains Casey is the exact same style as Daniel in the Karate Kid

Casey's floor cleaning training wins the fight is similar to that when Daniel's Crane Kick wins that Karate match. Casey was even as ticked off with RJ as Daniel was with his trainer.

I swear they ripped this plot out of the Karate Kid movies.

04/05/08, 03:53 PM
I swear they ripped this plot out of the Karate Kid movies.
As has every other TV show with that plotline. "Chores Training" is almost as common a practice to martial arts fiction as time travel to science fiction.

04/15/08, 03:27 PM
The episode is now available on Jetix.tv.

I thought this episode had some interesting ideas but ultimately didnt execute them as well.

It reminded me of the early MMPR episodes that pushed morals at you with those 'Rangers teaching kids a lesson' plots.

If Jarrod is possessed by the evil spirit of Daishi, what is the point of erasing Jarrod's past good deeds?

It seems Jarrod always had bad hair throughout his life; maybe thats why he's so pissy.

My biggest WTF moment in this episode was Casey wearing his JF uniform when talking to the kid.

How could the kid not realize Casey was the Red Ranger when he had the Order of the Claw ranger symbol all over that uniform?

What is the point of the uniforms if the rangers are trying to keep secret identities? :confused:

This episode gets 3/5 bottles of slime on a kite.

04/19/08, 01:09 PM
Watched this on ABC today in the 1st slot.

Anyway I like where this is going. I just wonder if Theo and Lilly will get Strike Riders soon.

As far as this episode goes the US version Venom Fists looked uglier than the ones out of Toei. For some reason Disney cranked up the ugly factor on thoes guys.

As for Jared and Camile -

I figured they'd get beast modes of some kind.

04/19/08, 04:32 PM
I just wonder if Theo and Lilly will get Strike Riders soon.

As far as this episode goes the US version Venom Fists looked uglier than the ones out of Toei. For some reason Disney cranked up the ugly factor on thoes guys.
Disney takes the suits directly from Toei after Sentai finishes their year. They're the exact same.

04/20/08, 04:17 AM
How could the kid not realize Casey was the Red Ranger when he had the Order of the Claw ranger symbol all over that uniform?
He assumed Casey's a cosplayer? XD

I think this is my second favorite JF so far. I agree that it felt like MMPR. Monster with a special ability, had to think it through to defeat him, Ranger teaching random kid valuable lesson.

An Eel Rinshi doing the worm .gif would be off the hook!

04/20/08, 01:30 PM
I think they made a good attempt at getting into the Ranger's personal lives at the pizza parlor. I think stuff like that could interest the kids watching. Plus it wasn't a plot lifted from the Sentai.

There was also some good villian drama. Its interesting to see the relationship between Dia Shi and Camille explored. I like how they teased Camille turning against Dai Shi, only to have her betray the monster. The five poisions were pretty much a waste though.

04/20/08, 01:32 PM
The master plot was interesting. But was pretty rushed. I think this episode is a bit overrated. I don't have any serious problems with it though. I actually thought "Pizza Slice Of Life" was more interesting.

04/20/08, 05:19 PM
Thought it was the best episode so far. Strong moral, good character development, and pretty nice wild set. I agree with Chris that the fishing thing didn't make sense, but more for the fact that Pangolin had been drilling for minutes, so for the Jungle Mace to catch up to him that quickly was just weird.

And "Jungle Pride with Elephant Power" is the best name they could come up with? Jungle Pride Elephant Megazord, Jungle Elephant Megazord, Elephant Pride Megazord, Jungle Mace Megazord, just something that sounds combined.

But they tried, and they succeeded. Good marks.

04/22/08, 03:41 PM
Heard it's up on Jetix.tv. Anyone who's seen it is free to talk.

04/22/08, 06:57 PM
Jetix: http://disney.go.com/dxd/index.html?channel=16953&

Outside the US: http://a.dolimg.com/media/en-US/dxd/site_994x700_31fps.swf

Did this episode even have a spark of anything bad? Everything was awesome: Master Swoop, the wire-fu fights were perfect, and the episode as a whole, had a inspiring message. BUT, I am still a little bummed that Theo got training scenes, but Lily didn't.


04/23/08, 12:43 AM

Great episode. This is the kinda stuff I've been wanting to see all season. All the episodes should have been like this.

Harlan Phoenix
04/23/08, 04:33 PM
This episode wins solely because of Master Swoop. One episode and he's already one of my favorite Disney era characters.

04/25/08, 08:25 PM
Jungle Fury's best episode so far. Great to see that when a guest character is introduced, they leave you wanting more. Oliver Driver did a magnificent job as Master Swoop.

Hopefully with Swoop giving Theo this most recent attitude adjustment, it'll lead him to be a lot more put together as a character. He seems to have been changing by the episode since we started.

The fan weapons were pretty interesting to see in an American production, but I think they did a decent job of making them feel like part of a Power Rangers arsenal. The Megazord flying was a nice touch as well.

Just plain loved it.

Jam-Jul Lison
04/28/08, 06:21 PM
I think the only real change done in Jarrod's past was only in his mind. If those changes had actually occured, i don't think Dai-shi would have ever been freed. At least by Jarrod anyway.

05/03/08, 11:24 PM
I saw this episode yesterday (Saturday) on ABC.

I'm really liking where Power Rangers is going this year with this latest US adaoption.

Episode 05 remarks -

The whole Theo giving up thing reminds me of Power Rangers Dino Thunder 03 Wave Good Bye when Conner almost quit thr team but for another reason. He wanted to play soccer.

But in this case Theo out right almost cut and ran out on the team.

This episode marks the second defeat of the 5 Venoms in the Jungle Fury series. Which leads me to point #2.

Theo actually learns his moves and manages to knock him off. That was pretty sweet to watch.

05/03/08, 11:42 PM
Master Phant to Lily
"Remember what I told you!"


We didn't get to see a training sequence.

Other than that, and the Elephant legs on the Zords shoulders, a great episode.

05/04/08, 12:07 AM
But the 5 were relevant to what will happen later on. The items obtained in those episodes.

05/04/08, 01:16 AM
Master Phant to Lily
"Remember what I told you!"


We didn't get to see a training sequence.
I'll take that over the ridiculously reminded "Twist the yoga mat! Fix the chair!" training sequence Casey did.

05/05/08, 09:35 AM
But the 5 were relevant to what will happen later on. The items obtained in those episodes.

Yes, but they need to go to all that trouble with the poison arch, just to get Dai Shi those ressurection powers. Especially since it only took one monster to get them.

05/05/08, 03:51 PM
True. Five characters that were supposed to be badass just to give us a plot device to introduce three actually badass characters? A serious waste of time.

This episode pissed me off for one reason alone: Taking direct hits from the Claw Cannon and not dying.

05/05/08, 08:36 PM
Hope you guy's don't mind me making this.

The episode was very well done. It was the first predominant villain episode, and they handled it well. The character development (villain-wise) was good, and Lily alone made the episode really enjoyable. 5/5. Only thing... that stupid Strike Rider!

05/08/08, 03:10 AM
VERY schizophrenic. Camille's supposed to be in love with Dai Shi, yet refers to him as Jarrod? Dai Shi's continually threatened Camille, yet defends her life in battle? It was just plain weird.

Add to that a horribly unneccessary Bat Megazord battle, and no Casey other than when he said "I'm so hungry" and you've got the recipe for a pretty lame episode. Only things I liked were the Yellow Ranger taking out the monster single-handedly and Jellica's voice. 2 out of 5.

05/12/08, 10:31 PM
Even though this episode was pretty much awesome, I feel like there too many battle/MZ fights. They could have cut back on fights, and focused more on training, and more camera time for RJ and Finn. They showed like three minutes of Casey twirling some swords, and Bam!; he suddenly knows how to use the swords. But I guess we have to think technical.

Out of all the fights, I enjoyed the first fight scene with the Shark Sabers, Finn's sick entrance, and of course... RJ's sweet battle with Dai Shi (mainly his Wolf Spirit attack). Which brings me to this... how is he going to lose control of his Wolf Spirit when he's a Master? He hasn't lost control of it all this time...

Well, a high 4/5 w/Shark Power! Next week... we get our Power-Up episodes with the introduction to the last three masters.

Ghost of a Chance Teaser, courtesy of Fury Diamond: http://www.junglefury.net/multimedia/movieclips.php?show=2&category=6

05/13/08, 11:05 AM
So is there an indication that there won't be more rangers/masters other than the four introduced (including Master Mao)? I'm fairly certain there will be more as there are more zords to introduce given their ways of introducing zords.

red timeforce ranger
05/13/08, 12:08 PM
i love that sharkzord - watchout for sharkzord

05/14/08, 09:43 PM

Outside U.S.: http://a.dolimg.com/media/en-US/dxd/site_994x700_31fps.swf

Wow! What an episode.

Once again, I love an episode that starts out with a battle, it adds a little hype IMO. I'm starting to get used to Jarrod and his ten second training sessions, it's not big deal anymore really.

I really enjoyed the individual fights between the Ranger's and Jarrod. And the Sentai footage was used rather well. As for the Strike Rider, THAT's when Casey is supposed to bust it out. He's finally learned, lol. RJ once again made a sweet entrance.

Fran Fran Fran... she's one step close to knowing who the Ranger's are. I was kind of hoping it wouldn't be so soon though, but oh well.

Looking forward to Part 2, and overall Part 1 gets a 5/5.

I like how they used the same uniform design for the Penguin Master (Master Guin).

05/15/08, 01:37 AM
I didnt like this episode as much. The core three rangers are so unlikeable. They want to be masters now? How retarded.

The MOTD at the beginning of the episode was unnecessarily tacked on.

I didnt like Mao conviniently appearing out of nowhere.

red timeforce ranger
05/15/08, 06:57 PM
two shadow guards are awsome

05/17/08, 07:55 PM
Sorry about the lateness of my response but cable was out last week due to weather here.

Anyway while this episode was a possible filler it was almost a full adaption of the Toei episode Let's Dance. The US handled this decently. However it wasn't what I expected in Power Rangers.

05/17/08, 08:02 PM
True enough on the count of the Claw Cannon - I mean three hits and she didn't drop. Come on that was lame. All mutants would have dropped like a hot brick after one hit. Man that was so wrong. What the heck was that?

red timeforce ranger
05/19/08, 09:04 PM
fran know coworkers are power rangers - fran come new mentor of prjf

05/19/08, 10:37 PM
For starters, part 1 was more better than part 2. While it wasn't entirely horrible (or bad for that matter), it just didn't have my full attention like the first part.

I just want to point out that I predicted the Gorilla Master's name (same with a member on RB). But really, did they have travel down the same old "face your fears" road? It's been done already, and they're Kung Fu students. A simple test of strength would have done the job. I can still see the brutal beat down the was handed to the Gekirangers. If only such violence was allowed. I had few chuckles here and there however.

As for that battle arena fight between RJ and Dai Shi... that owned the entire episode. Because we know RJ, it wasn't that heart breaking seeing him get handled badly. We all know RJ can give Dai Shi a royal beat down if he wanted. RJ is just awesome...

The quarry battle was descent. Very Kalishy, but descent. They could have made Jarrod more of a challenge even in JMM, yet, I think this is just another episode leading to more training. The introductions to the new Zords was cool, but the MZ should have been introduced for another episode. It wasn't anything bad though.

All in all, yes, part 1 was better. There's always something about Part 2 that seems to lose people's attention. Very odd. I just want to say one thing about the ending... win! I'm so glad Fran had more than one line. "Hello Ranger's... Power... Ranger's".

05/21/08, 04:02 PM
Wow, I was surprised how good that was. RJ vs. Dai Shi cage match, awesome monsters that don't have any voices to annoy us with, a decent name for the power-up...

Loved seeing Michelle Langstone again. Glad they made her the "head" master of the spirit world. Only thing that sucked was the whole greatest fear thing, especially Theo's. Why couldn't overconfidence be the continual theme there? Even though I'm so over the random "hey, we're the Rangers we can beat anything blah blah blah" that's been rampant in the Kalish era. Oh, and Master Zelle would have been a way better name than Master Lope. :p

But it actually held my interest the whole hour, especially RJ's antics. Amazes me that his character hasn't once disappointed me so far. He's gonna be gold come his Ranger debut.

05/24/08, 08:16 PM
Master Guin - SPD - Dr. Katherine "Kat" Manx

Master Rilla - SPD: History (voice) Professor Cerebros SPD: Impact (voice) Kraw/Professor

Master Lope - Dino Thunder - Copyotter (voice) S.P.D. - Delex (voice) Mystic Force - Oculous (voice)

A face your fear episode? Priceless!

I did feel cheated that instead of seeing the Rangers being trained or challenged by Masters Guin, Rilla, & Lope, we were instead treated to a "face your inner fear" episode.

That being said. Who here likes the Penguin Zord? Cute surfing Penguin Zord.

Maybe when Disney does the flashback episode we will get a clip of Master Phant training Lily? Please?
(Theo and Casey got one.)

Just a quick clip so we can better understand the "remember what I told you!" line. Please?

05/24/08, 08:27 PM
I liked the return of the fight song during battle scenes ala MMPR.

05/24/08, 10:23 PM
This episode was actually pretty solid.

I loved the Elephant Upgrade with the Jungle Mace. Too bad Phant spent half the episode having a whine fest about he wasn't good enough any more.

05/25/08, 02:59 AM
I liked the return of the fight song during battle scenes ala MMPR.
Wow, I didn't think anyone considered that a fight song.

05/25/08, 12:05 PM
I enjoyed both episodes, i think part 1 was better, as it was a chance to see the rangers being defeated, dealing with over confidence and was nice to see RJ being jokey in the villain base.

part 2 although the masters were great, they didnt get enough screen time in helping the rangers, the facing your fears was typical although was forgiving but surely becoming a master thats stage 1, so i felt the training was not good enough. The RJ and dai shi fight was goood but maybe abit over the top and stealing a spirit doesn't really make sense, though probably a plot device for when RJ becomes the violet ranger. Though master mode is awesome the jet thign looks stunning though i prefer to think of them as booster pannels jets are giant things on people backs. The zords are very nice however i didnt think the megazord offered much different from the last but as seperate ones were awesome.

overall a slightly typical power up episode but JF has had some brill eps so far and the power ups themselves are cool so i say bring on violet and white rangers and please keep up the good writing!

05/25/08, 02:34 PM
I wasnt a fan of Part 2.

The cheesy trials completely ruined it. How would facing those lame childhood fears teach them the techniques of the new animals spirits?

It was really rushed too.

I don't understand the villians motivations anymore either. It's almost like theyre trying to lose on purpose.

05/25/08, 06:14 PM
I wasnt a fan of Part 2.

The cheesy trials completely ruined it. How would facing those lame childhood fears teach them the techniques of the new animals spirits?

It was really rushed too.

I don't understand the villians motivations anymore either. It's almost like theyre trying to lose on purpose.

I duno about the villain thing as thats power rangers for you and thats how most of us like it, its the lack of detail it has and just shows the pure good and evil with lots of kicking ass :p I did feel the fears thing was abit strange but you could see it from the perspective that they are CHILDHOOD fears and its strange how those can unlock fears but for trhis kinda trial you are right in that it is notn suitable

05/26/08, 10:52 PM
Seriously, I'd prefer Disney use this style for ever episode they make of Power Rangers. (And the writers who worked on this episode should be the only ones used.)

It was awesome! Master Swoop is my fave! Still like Master Phant. These guys rock!

05/26/08, 11:00 PM
I'll take that over the ridiculously reminded "Twist the yoga mat! Fix the chair!" training sequence Casey did.

Reminded me of Karate Kid actually. RJ- Mister Miyagi and Casey-Daniel san.
It was a good feeling. "Wax on! Wax off!"

05/27/08, 04:15 AM
Reminded me of Karate Kid actually. RJ- Mister Miyagi and Casey-Daniel san.
The training sequence itself wasn't what bothered me. It was that after RJ had FULLY explained everything he taught Casey, Casey then fights Buffalord and flashes back to everything he learned all over again. They were just beating it into our heads at that point.

05/27/08, 04:34 PM
Part 2 made no sense to me...
how does fighting a your fear of spiders make you more eligible to save the world??
*scratches head*
but none-the-less
the master mode was awesome.

05/27/08, 05:35 PM
Part 2 made no sense to me...
how does fighting a your fear of spiders make you more eligible to save the world??
*scratches head*
but none-the-less
the master mode was awesome.It's not so much that it made no sense. The fact that this is a Martial Arts themed series may have impacted Pt.2. As I said, a simple tactic of physical strength, speed, and stealth would have been more enjoyable, and at the same realistic. "Fighting your own fear" has been done to death, but it's message continues to be an ongoing theme for PR.

05/27/08, 08:13 PM

Outside the US: http://a.dolimg.com/media/en-US/dxd/site_994x700_31fps.swf

The episode isn't working right now, but it is up. By the way, you have to select the show from the video player, it's not in the Power Picks. Then the episode will show up. Once it works that is.

05/31/08, 07:58 PM
I saw this on ABC today.

This episode was really pretty solid but actually to counter , Jarrod was taken back in time to 3 points in his past and each time he became more evil by the trip and that's because when you change the past and that person makes a differant choice that's how Jarrod became evil. By making the wrong decisions.

masked rider fearon
06/01/08, 12:55 AM
the story lines to this series is to much like the super sentai series gekirangers, not that it is a bad thing.
both series are different in there own way.

masked rider fearon
06/01/08, 02:10 AM
If this follows gekiranger then there should be 5
red, blue, yellow, purple, white
also in some epsiodes of gekiranger they join forces with 2 from
the evil jyuken aku gata
i.e green , lion/black

06/01/08, 04:01 AM
If this follows gekiranger then there should be 5
He knows how many Zords there are. That wasn't his question.

masked rider fearon
06/01/08, 04:54 AM
oh ok ,
shark, elephant , bat, atalope , gorilla , penguin, cat
this is all I can remember there may be more I am unsure.

06/01/08, 01:59 PM

masked rider fearon
06/02/08, 02:51 AM
yeah that too, I almost spelled it right
Those are the masters for the good side ( I really don't think that there is any more)
I don't know how many there are for the evil side

06/02/08, 02:07 PM
Those are the masters for the good side ( I really don't think that there is any more)
I don't know how many there are for the evil side
In Gekiranger, there were ten "fist saints", but three turned on the academy. Taka (the hawk), Rageku (the jellyfish), and Maku (the bear). In Jungle Fury, they're known as Carnisoar, Jellica and Grizzaka.

06/02/08, 10:01 PM
This episode just goes to show you... "don't judge a book by its cover." I thought it was just gonna be another episode as they call it. I really thought things were gonna be lame, rushed, and just a complete waste. Kalish did a pretty good job IMO.

Yeah, the pig Rinshi beast wasn't even necessary in this episode. Once he was outta way, things ran pretty smooth. Jarrod taking his anger out on the Rin Shi... way to go Jarrod! Perhaps one day you'll desperately need their help... and help won't come. It's interesting to know that Dai Shi is responsible for the "Beast War" defeat. Can't wait to see how Grizzaka reacts to seeing him human (if he even does).

Uh oh, Lily's gone bad people! And a bad cheetah she was. Frans confrontation with Lily was quite amusing. I think some people predicted they were gonna get in a miniature rumble together. I almost believed Fran was going to "Ranger-Up" on us, lol. That would have been *somewhat* amusing (NOT). But yeah, Lily was... beautiful... with a capital "HOT."

I like how they started RJs road to "Wolf Ranger" a bit early. It gives them plenty of time to explain some things in the next episode, which I'm really looking forward to.

All in all, BTTB was a fun episode which is preparing for the "scab" entrance. Sure, they didn't deliver from where they left off in GOAC pt.1; but that's no reason to give this episode a low rating. A high 4/5. June 16th... Wolf Ranger!

masked rider fearon
06/03/08, 03:37 AM
thats right and rio defeats all 3 with the help of the gekirangers ( I am not quite sure about that), later on rio joins the team to defeat long

06/03/08, 04:55 PM

Get back on topic.

06/14/08, 06:03 PM
I'd give this one a 2.5/5

The villian master subplot continues to prove pointless.

The episode's best part was R.J.'s transformation.

The quill thing was stupid. If she had a giant quilll still on her back, how did she manage to wear a jacket?

Anna's acting is good as regular Lily (much better than Caitlyn and Rhoda last year) but it was really bad (Sally Martin-bad) as Punk Lily in this one. She wasnt convincing at all and delivered her lines strangely. Even Kim and Billy as the Power Punks in MMPR S1 were more convincing.

The pig monster served no purpose but to use sentai footage.

06/16/08, 02:51 PM
The beginning of the scab episodes is here and where RJ becomes the Violet Wolf Ranger.

06/16/08, 06:01 PM
Ah man...I like the "Jungle Fury Feedback" title, lol.

06/16/08, 09:25 PM

06/16/08, 09:58 PM
Lol, coolness!

This was such an entertaining episode. The only thing I wish they could have explained was more about the Wolf Morpher, and why he was keep this important possession so secret. Also, the "Kiwi" monster was annoying...period.

Grizzaka's entrance was brilliant! I like how he just came in and laid down law point blank. I hope the writer's don't screw up his character. 10,000 years...seriously? Man, a lot of events sure did take place 10,000 years ago...

There's always something about adding the "News" in Power Rangers that adds a nice effect to the show IMO. The chemistry between and RJ and Fran in the loft was well done, it had some pretty nice dialog going on. The fact that we already knew what was in the box wasn't surprising, but a lot of kids were probably anxious...

RJ's unmorphed fight with Kiwi monster went smooth. Then out of nowhere Casey shows up...with the bike.....grinding, lol. Can't believe some people thought it was destroyed.

Back at the loft, that RJ/Fran chemistry showed it's light again. Simply beautiful! I'm sure a lot of the " Ranger Romance" fans enjoyed their scenes together. And then came the event everyone's been waiting for..."Jungle Fury, Wolf Ranger!" His fight was a bit slow, but not to where it wasn't enjoyable. I like that they somewhat kept the Muay Thai fighting style. The laser knee attack added a nice touch, it was very Power Ranger-ish.

Any way, FDFA gave us the hype most of us were expecting. One scab out...a lot more to come. Let's hope they continue this trend for the rest of the season. A high 4/5.

06/16/08, 11:14 PM
Okay, Friends Don't Fade Away

- Man, these villains just keep on sucking and sucking.
- So they are calling Dorinki "Sokado", eh?
- Were those paramedics? Hmm, for the minute there, it actually made the villains look like an actual threat.
- The scene between Fran and RJ was shippertastic.
- Wh-Where did the Wolf Morpher come from? I was it collecting in that box? Why didn't RJ bust it out when it could have been useful?
- That morph was sweet!
- Now that is real fighting.
- Laser Knees? LASER KNEES?!
- Yes!! Flit back!! Now this episode just got even better.
- Why was the Monkey guy attacking Lily?
- So Dai Shi has tap into Sokado? Whatever.

Overall, I'm giving this a 3 out of 5. For a "Sixth" Ranger debut, it was pretty mild. Didn't feel all that special, it was just, "Oh, RJ a Ranger now." And this Dai Shi/Jarrod nonsnese is really ticking me off. Is he an evil human? Dai Shi in a human shell? Both consciousnesses fuse together to form something else? Why am I asking these questions? Do you know the Muffin Man? The Muffin Man?! The Muffin Man?!? Why do I even bother? The writers clearly don't care, so I should I?

Ramble alittle, this gets a 3 out of 5.

06/17/08, 03:45 AM
Scuse the week delay due to the Clinton speech last week.

Anyway I'm loving every minute of Jungle Fury. I thought that bat upgrade was awesome.

I'm definately watching the rest.

As for the Masters , It'll be interesting when they bring in the Shark upgrade for the Megazord.

I loved this entire series so far and it gets better by the epiosode. I'll need two weeks to calm back down before I see #12.

06/17/08, 12:52 PM
What I find amusing is that Disney keeps referring to the 10,000 year storyline but has yet to make any connection to MMPR.

Kind of like the references they kept doing with Mack in OO. Hmm...
I am watching vigorously to find their hidden story secrets this season.

06/17/08, 01:00 PM
Were there even humans around then?

And if Master Finn participated in the great battle, wouldnt he be over 10,000 years old?

06/17/08, 03:00 PM
Were there even humans around then?And if Master Finn participated in the great battle, wouldnt he be over 10,000 years old?In the Ranger world...humans always existed...

Evidently, yes. Master Finn, along with all the other masters...are 10,000 years old (or older). Master Phant clearly is an example that Dinosaurs walked the Earth, lol.

Harlan Phoenix
06/20/08, 12:44 AM
What I find amusing is that Disney keeps referring to the 10,000 year storyline but has yet to make any connection to MMPR

Maybe because it's not necessary.

06/20/08, 01:00 AM
It's not different than when several seasons use the timeline of 3,000 years ago.

06/21/08, 03:02 PM
Well, it seems the episode is on a cable service called RCN. Some has seen it already. Episode Description: Casey really has grown up from being a cub at Pai Zhuq. He's taken initiative and stepped up to being the leader of the group. But now with RJ as a ranger, things are a little different. Casey feels like a cub all over again. RJ tells him that Casey will always be the leader. And the team will always follow Casey.


Originally Posted by Jungle_King_Ranger
basically during the ep. casey is upset and becomes unsure of himself when RJ starts giving orders. RJ also changes there training time without telling casy. later the rangers fight a stronger verison of the statue guards, mean while dai shi trains to unleash his next level of power, when master meow appears and trys to talk to jarod. basically he tells jarod the lion spirit is good and belongs with him (jarod) and to not let dai shi's evil surpress the lion's power. RJ tells casey the tiger spirit has always ment to the lead the other spirit animals not the wolf! than RJ and Casy join the others to defet the statues. after they defet them, dai shi starts looking for what he did with the map to the nexus. camli comments asking its witch nexus. dia says the rhino. she says the one with the key to the rhino ranger power? he says yes, the strongest spirit ranger power will be his.

Originally Posted byRitoRevolto
RJ is training the rangers and is briefly a little more active in leading the team. Casey does not approve.


Dai Shi trains some more to get his Zocato power thingy or whatever it's called, then gets a visitor...

06/23/08, 09:16 PM
I'm not in the mood for a big review so:

Well, the episode was one of my least favorites throughout the season so far. There were few exceptional scenes, but the main plot, and character focus was disappointing.

The fight scenes were nice (especially RJ's fights). Ironically I enjoyed Dai Shi's battle/training against the Rin Shi. Pretty intense if you ask me. Master Mao making an appearance was a cool touch, and it somewhat cleared the "Dai Shi/Jarrod" confusion. I really enjoyed the ending also. For these reasons, that's why I gave it a low 3.

06/24/08, 07:36 PM
You know? There's something very wrong when you start thinking that maybe Nick wasn't so bad.

This... This has got to be the worse episode of Jungle Fury yet. Worse than Good Karma Bad Karma. Why on earth was Casey thinking RJ was stepping into his territory? What's Casey beef? So RJ doesn't tell Casey they change practice time by an hour and Casey gets all mopey? He gets mad because RJ starts taking over in battle and giving basic orders? Dude, RJ BEEN DOING THIS ALL SEASON LONG! RJ wasn't overstepping his bourndies, he was just doing what has done all season long, guide the rangers, train them, etc.

Now this is the main problem with this episode, why on earth is Casey the leader? He an inexperience rookie. A cub. Both Lily and Theo have been at the academy for how long exactly? And RJ is a freakin' master. By all rights, Casey should not be leader. RJ should, or at the very least, one of the other two. Casey has never once came up with battle plans or strategies or told the team to train. Never! Why are the writers acting like he has? It would have been soooo better if they had never brought up this whole leadership thing because for the most part, the team seem to pretty much been on equal footing. It's like they only made Casey the leader because their under the belief of "Red Ranger's the leader because he's Red." Again, if anybody should be leading this team, it should be RJ or the other two.

RJ never did anything wrong, he was just doing what he always done before donning the spandex so I don't get why he admit he did. And Why? Because he's overexcited about being a ranger. Dude, you had a MORPHER in your cabinet for god knows how long that you decided to bust out now of all times! Yeah, I'm not even touching the whole Dai Shi thing. While I'll admit the the final scene with Fran and the others was cute, it just didn't save the episode.

This gets a 1/5.

06/24/08, 10:52 PM
I really wanted to like this episode.

I really wanted to like Casey.

But they've made it impossible here.


It wasnt the worst episode of JF though, theres still "Dance the Night Away" and "A Taste of Poison"

06/25/08, 12:03 AM
I really wanted to like this episode.

I really wanted to like Casey.Likewise.

06/25/08, 12:08 AM

06/25/08, 03:09 PM
Yep, the episode on Jetix.TV

U.S.: http://disney.go.com/dxd/index.html?channel=16953

Outside the U.S.: http://a.dolimg.com/media/en-US/dxd/site_994x700_31fps.swf

06/25/08, 04:47 PM
He just can't get over Flit

06/25/08, 05:00 PM
Wow, what a breath of fresh air. Totally beats Monday's "ear aching" mess (sarcasm).

Once again, the episode starts off with a explosive battle. It's odd how every episode starting off with a battle this season, usually are the better episodes (Way of the Master, Ghost of a Chance I). It's a good thing they used NZ footage for werewolf scene, because it would have been odd seeing RJ wearing a leather jacket in the MZ.

I really don't care what anyone says...Flit=Awesome! I just love his play by plays for the MZ fights, the teaming-up two of Jungle Fury's best characters...speechless! The backflash scene with Flit fighting Camille *wonders if she'll go back to that hairstyle*; was nicely done. It only made Fli more of a character, and hopefully we'll see him change back in the end. They didn't do it Geki, but things might be different here.

The fight scenes in this episode, and the series as a whole, was quite impressive. I've grown to respect wire-fu more, and I like how they level out between wire and on-foot combat.

I echo what another member said on RB: The music was notably great. You could really feel a sense of determination when Theo and Lily were fighting the monster by themselves. And the sense of urgency in RJ's inner battle with the wolf spirit.

At last, Dai Shi is out on his own.

The ending was such fun. Period.

Well, as I said up above, this episode beats Monday's. 5/5. Rhino Ranger is next!

06/25/08, 07:08 PM
Well I'm on my 7th straight Power Rangers. I'll be 5 behind this episode so that means I'll be seeing it soon on ABC.

I've watched Power Rangers dating back to Wild Force. (Which I'm finishing up)

After 6 shows it's good to see Disney do something differant with the Wolf Ranger.

06/25/08, 07:10 PM
I'll give this a 3/5

RJ made it cool.

But I can't take Flit seriously as a character, he's just too lame (even by PR standards).

06/25/08, 07:20 PM
After seeing and, despite being a beat by beat translation of Lesson 27 (Even ancient Camille had the same hair style as Mele), this was easily one of Jungle Fury's better episodes. Leaps and bounds compared to that godawful No 'I' in Leader. I don't care what anybody says, Flit. Is. Awesome. I really enjoy Werewolf!RJ rampange through town and even the RJ vs. Wolf Spirit fight wasn't as intense as Gou vs. the Werewolf, I like it for what it worth. Even the final scene where everybody was trying to smash the fun was fun. And And I'm calling it, Flit going to be RJ's business partner when JF over after Camille's curse breaks off on him.

Overall, I give this a 4/5.

07/06/08, 07:07 PM
Saw this yesterday on ABC and it was a really cool episode to watch.

I have a feeling this series is going to get even better by the minute from here on in. The Shark mode was awesome to watch. Loved the whole episode.

red timeforce ranger
07/06/08, 09:12 PM
i saw same ep with shark on tv at gfest yestrday

07/07/08, 09:08 PM
Not as bad, as I thought it would be.

Besides it being somewhat of a direct Geki translation, it was a good episode. Dominic is very entertaining and comedic, his sharp chemistry with Fran was enjoyable, and his fight overall was quite impressive. 4/5. I'm looking forward to the rest of his arc.

07/07/08, 09:23 PM
I think that SPD was a big step up for the powerrangers and with jungle Fury It keeps geting better and better.

07/08/08, 08:46 PM
Too lazy to do a full review so I'll say this, I really liked this episode:

- I like Dominc. He's fun and likeable; something I can barely say for half the JF characters.
- I like the FranDom scenes.
- Casey still continues to suck, but his apology to Dominic made his character likeable for a bit.
- As meh as the Overlords are, I like Grizzaka's plans with the Phantom Beast.
- Dai Shi continues to be the most incompetent villain in years suffering an identity crisis. He thinks he's human now? How anyone can think he's the best villain Disney has come up with I'll never know.
- I am seriously getting tired of them playing the JF theme near the end of the battles, both the lyrics one and the instrumental one.


07/09/08, 03:44 PM

- Dominic is interesting, Fran was finally likeable

- Casey continues to be a douche

- DaiJarrod continues his bipolar streak

- Overall it was pretty underwhelming and random for a new ranger intro episode (compared to intro episodes of the past). RJ pulling the Rhino Morpher out of nowhere drags this one down for me.

07/11/08, 05:08 PM
"Bad" is definitely the right word to use for the ep. First 10 minutes are wasted on Hamhock, next twenty are crammed between the weakest Ranger-Gone-Bad plot ever and RJ's hidden pet problem. The only thing I thought was fresh and something to wake the crowd was when Fran threatened to morph. Completely and utterly worth skipping.

07/11/08, 05:49 PM
Lame titles are normally a decent indicator of what to expect. No different here.

RJ's revealed as the werewolf, feels responsible for the attacks on the citizens, tries to leave town, but needs to help his friends. This might have been better if I hadn't already seen a much superior version of this plotline in RYAN'S DESTINY.

Grizzaka's big and bad. Why exactly? No one's actually bothered to explain what's so great about this Zokkado shit, other than only Grizzaka has it... until the end, when Dai Shi sneezes and channels it. Ridiculous.

Speaking of ridiculous, simply putting Fran in danger somehow results in RJ regaining control of his wolf spirit. Yet tearing into Casey and Theo didn't do a damn thing. Weird.

Oh, and the best part, RJ's been sitting on a morpher for weeks now because eating potato chips seemed like a much better idea to him.

But look, there's a good part! Possibly the best morph sequence ever made, followed by the most interesting fighting style ever translated to PR. People are hating on the "laser knees", but if the wolf's fists can catch fire, I think it ties the whole attack pattern together with his knees following suit. Anyone know who the Wolf Ranger's stunt actor is? His manuerisms when chumming around with the other Rangers mimicked RJ well.

Zord battle was boring until GekiTouja got involved again, this time resulting in the Wolf Pride Megazord, complete with badass finishing move. God, I love that Megazord.

Now, back to the bad. Worst "suspense" humor PR's ever used, in a world where that kind of joke is rarely implemented well. Since when does RJ have any friends besides his employees, that would just happen to own a dog which very much resembles a wolf? It just didn't need to be there.

So, safe to say this was the worst introduction to a new Ranger ever written. Only goes to show the extreme level of talent that David de Lautour has to make it feel better than that.

07/11/08, 07:16 PM
Episode wasn't bad. Just wasn't good.

Casey feels replaced. No one cares.

Monsters are repainted Shadow Guards. Guess the crew doesn't care either.

Lily and Theo are getting their asses kicked. RJ and Casey don't care.

Satellite dishes can apparently redirect energy blasts instead of just being blown to pieces. The laws of physics don't care.

RJ jumps into Zord battle by himself. The other Rangers don't care.

Jarrod summons up Zokkado Power. Apparently, Master Mao is the only one who cares.

Apathy is the only thing you can apply to this episode, aside from the awesome uniform they gave RJ to wear for the remainder of the season.

07/11/08, 08:02 PM
I think this was a better origin story for RJ's Ranger powers than his actual debut. Flit gets to have a storyline, explains why he never gets digested by Camille, and gets to aid RJ in his quest to tame the wolf (which actually delivered a moral, in embracing what you are rather than fighting it). Only thing that didn't make sense is why Camille feels so attached to him (well, that and why the crew didn't give Camille the hairstyle she had in that flashback, which suits her much better).

Thankfully the Wolf Ranger got a fair shake just in time for the Rhino Ranger's debut.

07/11/08, 08:59 PM
Jungle Fury's 2-for-2 in terrible extra Ranger introductions. They've only got one chance left with the Spirit Rangers, and since there are three of them, I'll forgive them for Sentai's two if it works.

Dominic is officially the most out-of-nowhere Ranger in the history of the series. Even when Dana suddenly had a brother, at least Captain Mitchell lamented about his birthday and such before he appeared.

Also startling me is why they decided to make Dominic so much like his Gekiranger counterpart. Ken may not have been a practical joker, but he still didn't take life very seriously, which is what they seem to want Dom to be like.

The withholding of two important points bothered me. RJ told him all about Dai Shi being freed, yet forgot to mention he and his students were Power Rangers? And why didn't anyone mention to us that Dominic had control of not just any animal spirit, but apparently "one of the toughest" until after he saved Fran?

The Red Ranger rivalry angle really didn't work in this one. While it made more than enough sense why Conner didn't want to join forces with Trent, Dominic had never done anything mean-spirited, the worst thing was almost getting the guy on the skateboard hurt. Hell, he and Theo have done more harm to the team being scatterbrained, and they've been Rangers for months now!

Now that I've seen where Dominic got his morpher, I can say this about RJ: That "guy that knew a guy" was you, wasn't it? You just didn't want to tell us so that we wouldn't whine about you not making new morphers all day long. But judging by how effeminate the Rhino bracelet looked, it's probably best he retire from that. And why is it white? Obviously the Rhino Ranger's white, but the Rhino Morpher's orange, his animal spirit's orange, so shouldn't the bracelet match? I don't know.

The morph sequence was hot. Reminds me of Adam's OaR morph, though, with the rocks and everything. Unfortunately, the battle wasn't very memorable, even when Jungle Fury's original battle scenes have been choreographed pretty well. And all through it I was just wondering why everyone else decided to stand around and watch. At least with past sixths, the Rangers have normally been beaten to a pulp before they get their butts saved. This was just cruel on their part, especially since he had to wade through a sea of Rin Shi before he could get to Crocovile. It all felt like some kind of audition. Thankfully we skipped the normally obligatory post-debut Megazord battle courtesy of Gekiranger not giving Ken SaiDaiOh yet.

As for Dai Shi, the writing continues to get worse. Now he thinks he's a human? I thought he was supposed to HATE them! If they wanted to iron in the point about Grizzaka destroying him, he could have said something like "in this pitiful human body, I don't have the power to put Grizzaka in check like I could before." But the reason they didn't do that is obvious, they have no clue who this guy is supposed to be! Is he a dragon with a human shell? A scared teenager with a growing evil influence? We the audience can't even explain it, and we explain everything away to help ourselves try to enjoy this crap.

I still don't even have enough of Dom's personality to make a fair judgment of his character, so I guess I'll wait until he earns his Zord (since for some reason, he can't just make one out of his animal spirit like everybody else). Ultimately, the only thing worth watching here was Fran get someone to bounce off of.

red timeforce ranger
07/12/08, 12:15 AM
lily went talk to casey and theo about this

07/12/08, 02:56 AM
...about what?

07/12/08, 03:46 PM
I saw both parts today on ABC.

Jungle Fury like Operation Overdrive before this last year is getting better by the episode. I can't wait to watch the 2nd half of Jungle Fury after Episode 16.

This is the 1st time I've seen all three main Rangers get more than one Zord.

The last time I saw this was Tyzon who got 3 but he was an extra Ranger.

It was cool to see Elephant , Bat and Shark upgrades get used in one fight like that.

I can't wait for the rest of Jungle Fury.

07/14/08, 03:40 PM
It airs tonight at 8. Enjoy!

07/14/08, 09:05 PM
So, they start us off with a memory/dream, of Master Mao giving Dominic the control dagger. This dagger, ultimately, is not only the key to Dom's destiny, but the key to the Nexus. The most Powerful Nexus.

Then we moved onto the Burger spot a.k.a., "Dom's secret hiding place of the dagger." I have to admit, that was totally unexpected...and Genius. Surely I'm not the only one, who wanted to slap Theo for being *Theo*, again.

The laundry room and taxi cab scenes, had such realistic elements; it was as if we weren't watching Power Rangers. I loved it! However, the dialog in the last scene where they found the dagger was kinda cheesy. For real.

For a moment, I was asking myself, "Why do we need a monster?" But then the fight against Whirlnardo vol.2 came...and Wow! The BGM was Rockin' (literally); and the team roll call/fight was awesome. Best roll cal yet.

So, besides a couple of cheesy scenes (including Jarrod's "lol" facial emotion at the end); DFTD was a solid episode. Looking forward to the "field trip" next week. "The Winds of Fate, are about to change." Classic.

07/15/08, 12:22 PM
This episode was too meh to review in detail...

It was neither here nor there.


07/15/08, 04:57 PM
God, this episode was so... mediorcre. The plot was so non-existent. I don't think I'll be able to remember this episode later.

- Eh, I don't really care about the Crystal Eyes.
- Well Dai Shi, looks like all that training for the Zokado power proved to be useless since Grizakka kicked your butt (again) without breaking at sweat and locking you in your own jail cell. Dai Shi, you suck. You really really suck. I'm in awe of your sucking prowess. Seriously, your like an innovator in the field of human failure, blazing new trails to suck, and earning your way into the Loser Hall of Fame. Your starting to make Gruumm look cool.
- Theo acting like a dick again. I kinda like it when he acts like this, makes his character more fun.
- You know, I really like Dominic's and Theo's interactions.
- So wait, Dominic hid the Control Dagger in a seat cushion in Ocean Bluff? That doesn't make sense. He was travelling the world, why would he hide it in a diner of a town he wasn't going to live in?
- Why the heck are Theo and Dominic talking out loud about the Control Dagger and the Rhino Nexus with that woman sitting between them? Man these rangers have such low IQs.
- So Casey, Lily and RJ, how does RJ hitting Whirlnado for a little bit then Casey and Lily hitting him suppose to be "Combining our powers"?
- Someone brought this up, why don't they have the Wolf Zord combine with the Ape and the Penguin instead of using the Wolf Pride? I know I know Gekiranger but still, why couldn't Geki do this?
- Camille, nice outsmarting Lily.
- Gangster Rinshis, cool.
- Casey stills continues to act like a jerk to Dominic. Casey, shut up. Just. Shut. Up. Go stand in a corner or something.
- Was a roll call even neccesary?
- RJ you lazy bum, why aren't you help them in the zord fight? This is like a repeat of Things Not Said where the Sixthes just stand there acting like cheerleaders.
- Oh, I just found out Whirnicane is voiced by Nic Sampson (Chip in MF, voice of Sentinel Knight in OO). But I don't get why they act like this is a new monsters, there's no difference between Whirlnado and Whilricane. Couldn't they just said Whilnado just survived the first fight?
- I find it odd the Rangers didn't called the Megazord, "Jungle Master with Bat Power".

Eh, this episode was, again, mediorcre. Like, nothing happened really, this episode is just there. No Fran (Whoo-Hoo!) and no Flit (Boo!) this week. I give this a 2 out of 5.

07/19/08, 10:33 PM
i liked the episode ecept the fact that everyone is still a douche bag to Dominic and (spoiler) and Dominic was a retard for letting the Rhino Dagger that opens the Rhino nexus easly get into the hands of Dai Shi.

i give it a decent 3.5 out of 5

07/20/08, 07:58 PM
Why was everyone so afraid of Dai Shi being released from that box? So far he has been a complete tool. The Rangers should laugh in his face. Camille is more badass of a character when compared to him. Hate to say it but the only good episodes for this season were the first 13. Of course not having Lily train with Master Phant ruined a fairly good episode in the first 13.

Why do I say this? B/C I will not justify Disney's laziness anymore.

I am especially tired of having to create theories & fanfics just to cope with how s***ty Disney is with writing the Power Ranger franchise.

07/21/08, 10:04 PM
The episode has aired, so I guess we can discuss it:

I'd say this was a good way to end Dom's arc.

Hmmmm, the Rin Shi building a mysterious device? Interesting. More Phantom Beast build-up, no doubt. I'm assuming "Snapping Turtle", "White Tiger", and "Avalon Dragon" (???); will be the ones to capture Swoop, Finn, and Phant. I certainly hope all this, lives up to the "hype."

You know, the Dai Shi and Camille scenes, is leading me to conclude that Dai Shi is forming a soft heart for Camille. Just a few episodes ago, he had a fetish for punishing her... I was loving the chemistry, too. Definitely the highlights of the episode!

OK, seriously...Jellica CANNOT fight! She continues to be one of my favorite of the three- or now only two; but she reminds me a lot of Udonna. Her power is 9 times out of 10, expressed through her staff. I'm really annoyed by that, for some odd reason.

Well well well, I think Casey's "Tiger Instincts" was the most semi-activity he's had since..."One Master Too Many." Way to go Casey, *straight face*. I'm glad they used Jan's "Jungle-tastic flip slash!" Why? I always thought it was neat.

And at last, we move onto the "Rhino Steel Pride Warrior Megazord!" Lol. I was expecting more of a epic showdown/defeat. Not entirely bad, for what it was worth. But honestly, "Rhino Warrior Mode"? "Rhino Steel Megazord"? ..."Rhino Pride Megazord"?!?! ...Which is it for crying out loud?! Still love the design, though.

Overall, "Race to the Nexus" was again, a good way to end this arc. A lot of it reminded me of "Nothing to Love" (battle, talk, battle, battle, and more...battle). I'm not bashing on the battles in this one, I enjoyed bits and pieces of 'em. Plus, it continues to build towards the Spirit Ranger arc. 4/5. "Arise the Crystal Eyes" is currently airing on Verizon FIOS for those that have it (me not included).

07/23/08, 07:41 PM
Finally saw the episode.

- Yeah, the Overlords. How do the rangers know the Overlords? Beside Jellica, we never the rangers meet or ineracted with the other two. Hell, by all logic they shouldn't even know Carnisoar and Grizzaka even exist, so how do you know what they look like?
- Finally, Grizzaka does something other than sit on his rear and scream "Zocato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Why is Carnisoar asking Casey which one is the real one? He makes Pre-Marriage Zedd look competent.
- You know, the great power being a Zord doesn't jizze well. Rhino Steel cool and all, but no zord needs this kind of hype.
- I like how Jarshi knows Dominic. Atleast it keeps me from asking "How the heck does he even the about the Rhino Ranger?!?"

Pretty mediorcre. 3/5.

07/23/08, 10:11 PM
Dai Shi pawns Rangers. Beast Masters pawn Dai Shi. Rangers pawn Beast Masters.

This story makes no sense.

07/29/08, 03:37 PM

- RJ's explanation of the Crystal Eyes was expositonrytastic. It's nice to finalling get to know what the Crystal Eyes are after, er, "building" up to them.
- Hey, Dai Shi kicked Grizzaka out. There's a slight hope of Dai Shi being taken seriously.
- So, Camille does the crossowords? How do they get the news paper?
- So Casey figures out Jenning's animal spirit is a Dolphin? Now I wonder what a Dolphin Spirit zord would look like. Nice that they explain a little about the animal spirits.
- Yeah, Casey, walking up to someone and demanding that you give them their work looks pretty stupid. Now, if you had been morph....
- Ugh, did they really need to waste our time walking the Rangers fight Rin Shis?
- Why was Casey trying to keep Dai Shi from going after Jellica instead of running after her himself? Does it really matter who revives the Phantom Beast?
- I've-I've got to ask this again, what exactly is Zokato power? All Grizzaka and Dai Shi do is scream it and get covered in a bad cloud and, according to RttN, give you the ability to fly.
- You know, I wonder why Casey didn't try pulling out the Strike Rider on Grizzaka?
- ..... So, instead of utilizing teamwork to take down the Grizzaka, Casey demands Dominic’s morpher, and combines his weapon with it to take down Grizzaka? Amd Casey's answer is "I didn't know until now." That ridiculous. And "The rhino power made all the difference." But Dominic had been in this fight the entire time. Also, shouldn't have Dominic demorphed after he gave Casey his morpher?
- "Rhino Steel Warrior Mode", I hope that's the official name.
- So they combine all the zords and just call say "Stampede!"? Why not call it the Jungle Master Ultrazord or something?
- God, Grizzaka was such a Morticon clone in this episode.
- So, the Rangers have the other five eyes and Jellica only keeps the three she already had? Well, this seem pointless.

Not much can be said about this episode. Fran and Flit basically make a cameo and apparently, Flit afraid of Dai Shi. 3/5.

07/29/08, 08:22 PM
This was a fine way, to begin a new adventure! Some pretty average to semi-awesome fight scenes, mixed with a little cheesy dialog, but still played out to be a good episode.

Okay, when Casey first entered Dr. Jennings office...how in the world could he tell the eye was an Iguanas? I mean, her back was faced AWAY from Casey to where, basically no one could see the eye. Need I have to mention...All. The. Eyes. Look. The. SAME. ??? Yeah, that was kinda of a low score in my book. In that same scene, I was trying to imagine Jennings becoming the Dolphin Ranger...but no, just no. I couldn't picture it out right.

Moving onto Dai Shi revealing his Zakado to Grizzaka, that was completely bad***. I'm sorry, I just had to give Dai Shi his props for taking back his throne. He totally made Grizzly look like weakling. That still doesn't mean I don't like Grizzly, because he gave the ranger's the beating later on in the episode. That was ONE of the best fights, this season.

As for the ending the battle/Zord fight, I have no idea how Casey suddenly posses all these Tiger-tastic abilities, but IF this is the beginning of some Casey development..."Hooray!" for Casey. It's about time. Anyhow, "Arise the Crystal Eyes" as I said above, was a nice way to begin a new adventure in Jungle Fury. 4/5. I'm really looking forward to, the Spirit Ranger arc.

07/30/08, 09:23 PM
In GoaC the fears are metaphorical.

Lily- Kind-hearted. Looks for the good inside of everyone. She is the happy person most aspire to be. The spider symbolizes that which is not wholesome or cute. In Lily's world or view thereof, the spider is the personification of the everyday fears that people have. The world is not perfect & we must live day to day in it. Trying to be who we feel we are while at the same time hiding a part of ourselves deep inside. Thus the spider fear.

Theo- Multi-tasker. Constantly seeking the approval of others. The karaoke symbolizes Theo & his fear of the perception towards him. A lingering feeling that someone is watching him constantly just waiting for him to fail. Thus the social rejection fear.

Casey- A cub. Promoted to Ranger solely due to standing against Jarrod- fighting dark forces. The closet door symbolizes that which is unknown. A darkness in which Casey fears for he is still learning. He fears what lies ahead. Thus the monster in the closet fear.

08/02/08, 06:57 PM
This aired on ABC today.

Anyway I'm really loving the current series.

I like where this is going. Two Master Megazord fights. I'm getting close to RJ Morphing as Wolf Ranger.

Problem was I'm not sure I liked Cheetah girl too much in this one. Personaly that was a tad much in the rude factor.

08/04/08, 11:07 PM
Yeah, part one of the Spirit Rangers arc.

08/05/08, 02:07 PM
I really liked this episode, a lot.

The plot with Gabby, and her strive to becoming a dancer was respectively, okay. It wasn't something I would put in an episode like this, but it was still just okay. Nothing more, nothing less.

Moving onto the bigger side of the episode, the Phantom Beast are amazingly intimidating. Yeah, the names Whiger and Snapper are kinda lame, but names are names. I totally got chills down my back, when they made their entrance to Dai Shi. I just loved how Camille was prepared to fight, it made her character more tough (like she wasn't tough before :p) I will however admit, Jellicas sudden death was a low, and I think she deserved to stick around a bit longer. Just a bit.

Not much to say this time, except that this episode again, was pretty enjoyable. I think the highlight, and I speak for all of us, was the great entrance of the Spirit Ranger's. A low 4/5. Namely for the fact that, the Gabby plot wasn't REALLY needed in this. But, because we got some Lily focus, that deserves points within itself.

08/06/08, 12:40 PM
I give this a "3/5."

- The Spirit Rangers fight. They look alot better when their fighting than when they are just standing.
- I like Luan, he seems like a more likeable Theo.
- I like Jarshi's lion growl, it actually makes him look imtimitating. Why couldn't they have done this all season long, it wouldn't make made look like a complete joke of a main villain.
- Master Phant's facial expression. Those were priceless.
- Dom's line when Theo tells them about Luan: "We're like night and day." "I like him already." Haha, burn.

- Lily's line when she found out she accidently got Luan. "How embarrasing." That sounded sooooo monotone.
- How Casey and Lily got defeated by Dynamare quickly. One boomerage and they lose the Megazord that quickly. Man that made them look weak.
- "Breaking mirrors is bad luck.... for you." Casey, please do the world a favor and just don't talk. Like ever.

08/07/08, 05:23 PM
This was an awesome episode. And we finally got a Lily/Master Phant scene. It seems Disney listened to the fans who complained about the lack of having them together for Mace training. This episode with the two of them especially makes it all better now.

How does this scene make it better?
Lily & Phant DUAL MACE battle! AWESOME Scene!!!

Adding in a new character (Gabby) that the Rangers (but not the audience) knew can easily be overlooked because of this. We finally got the Lily/Master Phant focus that we were denied in EP 8.

And the acknowledgment that Dai Shi was keeping Jarrod trapped inside himself and even referred to it was (or seems to me) to be foreshadowing a certain future event that happened in Gekiranger. We'll see.

The Phantom Beasts are just...Awesome sauce!

Jellica was destroyed within literally a second. I guess she was still weak & recovering from what happened to her in the last episode. IDK.

The ending was great. Love the Spirit Rangers intro as the ender.

Casey: "They're Power Rangers!" END

This episode is how Disney SHOULD ALWAYS write Power Rangers.

If the Spirit Rangers are the only team-up this year I'll be happy with it. No need to add a previous season to Jungle Fury if we have 3 American made characters to work with from now until the ending.

Don't try to fix what ain't broken Disney!


09/14/08, 04:26 PM
I saw this episode recently and I liked how Disney adapted Wolf Rager's entry for Jungle Fury. It was almost as solid as Tyzon's adaption for Operation Overdrive.

I was a little worried they might screw this one up. I hope they don't blow RJ's story for our version. At least they didn't force Wolf Ranger into Jungle Fury.

09/14/08, 04:39 PM
First entry for RJ as Wolf Ranger. Liked the Wolf Pride Megazord. Apart from Casey's fight with RJ I really enjoyed this episode. 4.5 out of 5. I wonder if Dai Shi is getting ready to bolt.

09/14/08, 04:44 PM
This episode was pretty solid actually two weeks ago. I like where Jungle Fury is going. As was the case with Operation Overdrive ast year this show is getting better every week. I'll watch the rest on ABC.

09/14/08, 04:51 PM
Saw this on September 13 on ABC. I liked this episode myself but I felt that Dom's entry as White Rino was a bit rushed. They should have waited at least a full episode or even two to work it in like they did for RJ. Now that Dom is White Rhino I'm looking forward to the rest of Jungle Fury.

09/22/08, 03:08 PM
In case people are wondering... Yes, I merged all of the current Jungle Fury feedback threads because of the lack of discussion. Once things pick up (hopefully once Dragon Knight airs), we might go back to full threaded discussions, but for now I think this best. If any of the mods disagree, PM me I guess. I'm gonna make a new thread for the final stretch of the series. So might as well close this.